Closed Alpha Recap
It's been a while since we opened the gates for the Closed Alpha testphase. Since then, there was a huge engagement from the community. We got a good amount of bug reports as well as suggestions for new features. But the most important thing: feedback.
As this was the first time that we let people play our game this was quite a huge milestone for us. Most of you may know that we always try to be as close to our community as possible, which puts us in the comfortable position of hearing feedback from you firsthand and it is an absolute pleasure that it seems nearly every single player has a good time playing Knights of Cathena so far, even though this is only the beginning.
Based on bug reports and suggestions we gathered from you guys, we worked relentlessly to optimize the game to the best experience possible. Since the release on June 15th, we published 19 patches which included feature updates, bug fixes, UI optimizations, and much more. But of course this is not the time to stop.
Next Chapter - Let Them Come
We had lots of discussions how to proceed with the next step for Knights of Cathena and how to continue from the current state of the Closed Alpha.
Should we set an end date for the Closed Alpha?
Should we open it completely so everybody can join right away?
Should the game only be playable on weekends?
There were several different approaches that could work but we wanted to make sure to go with the best possible option for the project and for the community.
Our goal was to not exclude anyone. We didn't want to take the game away from you by closing the gates (because most of you are really into it ❤) and we didn't want to disappoint all those community members who joined recently and missed the last snapshot, but actively engaged on the Waitinglist.
So let me explain what we came up with.
No More Snapshots
Originally you had to be included on one of our Waitinglist snapshots to receive an Access Code for the game. But as the last snapshot has been taken several weeks ago, most community members that have joined lately were not able to earn an Access Code yet. Even if we added additional snapshots this problem would still exist as time goes on.
Therefore we changed the condition to receive an Access Code so everybody can earn one.
Waitinglist 💠XP as New Requirement
Even though we wanted to reduce requirements for an Access Code, we did not want to spread them for free or remove them completely, in these early days, we need players in Altea that are really interested in the project. For us, the golden line between snapshots and an Open Alpha phase is the following:
📢 Players will receive an Access Code for earning 1,500 Waitinglist 💠XP 📢
That way, players need to show project engagement before they will receive an Access Code. And at the same time we make sure that nobody comes too late to the party and won't be able to play the game until the release of the full Alpha version.
Closing The Gates - End of The Testphase
But at some point, even if we can't announce it yet, the testphase will end. Meaning that at some point in the future, you will no longer be able to complete quests and earn $CGO from the Closed Alpha testphase.
With that being said: We highly recommend to complete as much in-game quests as possible once you are able to play. As written in a previous blog post about the testphase you will be able to earn $CGO token based on your engagement.
See the article for earning Closed Alpha rewards.
The changes described above will take hold on
📢 7th of September 2022, 13:00 UTC 📢
Now it is time for you, our community, to use the time wisely and participate in the alpha testphase as much as possible. Start playing the game, complete your quests, earn your rewards, and follow us on this incredible journey.
See you in Altea!
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