Discover our latest and reimagined gameplay


Lukas Anetsberger

August 13, 2024

πŸ“’ This article provides a preview about the features in the upcoming patch. Please be aware that visuals or values may be subject to change. The release date of the patch will be announced as soon as possible.

The Goddess' paths are arcane and often shrouded in mystery, weaving through the realms in ways unseen. As her wisdom guides us through cloudy times, we find ourselves compelled to bring forth a feature not originally planned. Embrace the changes as we continue our journey under the Goddess' watchful gaze, ever striving to enrich your experience in the realms of Altea.


The year of adoption 2024 is hitting hard and we are announcing the newest groundbreaking changes:

πŸ‘‰ Formations are replaced by the versatile and mighty Armory. Recruit new units, equip your best gear, prepare for the unknown threats and overcome your opponents' tactics.

πŸ‘‰ Obstacles are your newest friend and biggest traitor at the same time. Using obstacles to close distance, getting into cover or setting up an ambush, will heavily impact your strength.

πŸ‘‰ Commander's health will suffer by holding Domination Points. Capturing these special points on the map will drain the health of your opponent's commander.

πŸ‘‰ Gain an advantage by placing your army freely and strategically at the start of each battle. Choose your units wisely, place them one after another and set the foundation to victory without any haze.

πŸ‘‰ Stamina redefines the action economy, allowing for multiple actions by different units in a single turn. Command multiple units in a single turn and create unstoppable momentum to victory.

The Armory

Preparation is key to success. The Armory empowers players to boost their battle performance and prepare their army. A well-prepared Armory allows for strategic flexibility and powerful responses to opponents' forces.

Ingame UI

In-game footage: The brand new Armory.

Core shows the player's favorite and most likely to play eight (8) units. The size of eight (8) is fixed and can't be lower or higher. A regular match is 8 versus 8 units.

The player is free to choose his line-up as long as the total of Ancient Power fits within the limits of their rank.

Each unit is displayed as a Calling Card, containing the most important information, e.g. name, Ancient Power, an indication of the rarity of used equipment and more. The same Calling Card will be used later in the game (check Picking Phase).

Support will extend the amount of possible playable units beyond the most preferred core line-up. It is not mandatory to have support units but to be able to react to your opponent accordingly we highly recommend setting some units up. For now, four (4) slots are available.

The player is free to build up his support army and use it as replacements in different circumstances. A well-prepared support line-up enables the player to react to opponents' line-up during the Picking Phase (check Picking Phase).

❗️ Units in the support line-up are not checked for usability or effectiveness in a match. It's up to the player to ensure the units are valid options. It is recommended to align the Ancient Power accordingly.


Skins let you customize your units’ look on both their Calling Cards and the battlefield, adding a personal touch and making your forces stand out. While skins won’t be part of the upcoming patch, stay tunedβ€”exciting updates are just around the corner!

Arena Features

Maps - Dynamic Layouts

Despite still battling in Uth'arak, new challenges and gameplay experiences emerge. With rotating and ever-changing landscapes made of obstacles and Domination Points, will reveal who can truly master the dynamic battlefield.

At the start of a battle, 1 out of 8 maps will be randomly chosen. Players can't choose or ban maps.

Uth'arak map 1 Uth'arak map 2 Uth'arak map 3 Uth'arak map 4 Uth'arak map 5 Uth'arak map 6 Uth'arak map 7 Uth'arak map 8
8 different maps in arena Uth'arak


Introducing Obstacles in the arena Uth'arak - a truly game-changing feature adding a new layer of strategy. Use them to shield your army or trap your opponents β€” every obstacle has the potential to turn the tide of battle.

Obstacles will block paths as well as attacks of ranged units. Obstacles are indestructible.

attack pattern attack pattern attack pattern

Attack patterns will change due to positioning. A short recap of the user interface:

  • Blue squares show where the unit can move to
  • Red dots highlight the potential attack pattern
  • Red squares indicate where the unit can actually attack

Domination Points

Domination Points add intensity to the battles and shift the balance of domination constantly between players. These points are essential to control and fight for because they will deal damage to the precious commanders.

Domination Point Action Domination Point Action Domination Point Action

Domination Points can be in one of four states:

  • Neutral as uncaptured (white, static)
  • Capturing by you/opponent within a turn (blue/red, blinking)
  • Captured by you (blue, static)
  • Captured by opponent (red, static)

Domination Points can be captured by either player. To capture a Domination Point, leave one of your units on it until the end of the turn. Capturing and attacking are simultaneously possible.

Once captured, Domination Points remain captured until their opponent captures them back. After a successful capture, the unit can leave the Domination Point.

When both players hold the same number of Domination Points, no commander receives damage. However, if you capture more Domination Points than your opponent, his commander will suffer at the end of each turn.

Keep a close eye on the Domination Points - ignoring them could lead to a faster defeat than you expect.

Spawn Areas

The map layouts define possible spawn areas alongside obstacles and Domination Points. Making a strategic placement of your units can lead to a crucial early impact. Remember, the commander is immobile and needs protection against getting ambushed.

Gameplay Adjustments

Action Economy - Stamina ⚑

The new Stamina system is the essential mechanic that opens up gameplay and makes it more dynamic. This addition was necessary to move beyond the fixed turn order, allowing for more flexible and engaging strategies. With Stamina, players now have the freedom to make multiple actions (move & attack) in a single turn, bringing a higher level of excitement and depth to the game.

At the start of each turn, the player gains 10 Stamina Points ⚑ (SP). Moving a unit one tile will cost 1 SP. Attacking is currently under revision to be cost-free or requires SP as well. Either moving 10 units 1 tile or 2 units 5 tiles are both valid options in that regard.

Each unit maintains its maximum movement distance. Performing an attack is treated as a Hard Action, meaning the unit is immobilized until the end of the current turn. There are no penalties for any unit in the consecutive turn.

Picking Phase

Preview: Picking HUD (Development Build)

At the start of a match, you'll select and place your units on the white tiles according to your strategy. Available units are displayed as Calling Cards, with quick filters at the bottom of the list for easy access to your preferred choices.

Once a unit is selected, its Calling Card will gray out, and a "ghost unit" will occupy the chosen location on the battlefield. These "ghost units" can be removed, allowing the unit to return to the line-up for reselection until the turn ends.

Some Calling Cards may be deactivated if the unit is already placed on the battlefield or due to game restrictions. You must place eight (8) units within the rank limitations of Ancient Power. As you build your formation, the game will ensure that only valid units are chosen to create a balanced and effective lineup.


The Picking Phase is turn-based, just like the gameplay that follows. During this phase, you'll be able to see your opponent's confirmed formation and adjust your strategy accordingly.

To ensure fair and balanced picking, turns alternate between players. Player A starts by choosing and confirming four (4) units. The turn then switches to Player B, who selects and confirms four (4) units of their own. Player B continues by picking their final four (4) units, revealing their complete lineup to Player A. Finally, Player A selects the remaining four (4) units to complete their 8-unit formation, allowing for strategic placements before the game transitions to the battle phase.

Player A Unit πŸ”΅ | Player B Unit πŸ”΄ | Turn ended ⏩
πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅ ⏩ πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ ⏩ πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ ⏩ πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅πŸ”΅


Always stay mindful of the timer and your available resources. The timer counts down relentlessly and could end your turn prematurely if you're not careful. If you’ve made your selections and have time to spare, you can lock in your picks and end your turn by confirming them.

The resource indicator at the center of the timer shows how many units you need to place and how many you've already positioned. There are only two (2) picking turns for each player to get to eight (8) units.


As you select your formation, your Ancient Power increases with each unit. The yellow bar displays the current value alongside your maximum available Ancient Power due to the rank - so be sure to stay within the limits.

Keep track of the unit type composition you’ve placed so far β€” Knights, Archers, Mages, and Clerics β€” and aim to create the most versatile formation possible.

Battle Phase

Preview: In mid-gameplay (Development Build)

Multiple attacks have already been executed by the immobilized Archer and Knight, both indicated by the sleeping πŸ’€ status. No further actions will be available for them in this turn.


Always stay aware of the timer and Stamina ⚑. In the current situation, the player still has 4 out of 10 Stamina Points available, but time is running out, pushing for a quick decision.


While two units are immobilized in the upper area of the arena, the Knight advances onto the Domination Point in the lower part. This strategic move creates multiple points of pressure, challenging the opponent to respond effectively.


The currently selected unit is displayed on the left side of the screen. If you select an enemy unit, it appears on the right side of the screen. A glance at these stats is a smart habit to ensure you’re making right decisions.


The Domination Point in the center is currently held by the opponent. Capturing one for yourself will neutralize the damage to your commander. Maintaining a balance, or better yet, staying ahead in captured points is crucial; otherwise, your commander could be at risk of defeat.

Video Preview

Preview: At the start of battle (Development Build)
Preview: In mid-gameplay (Development Build)

⏰ Wen?

We are at the finish line of this great update and eager to release it. After solving some last tasks, we are ready to patch. The update coming very soon - Check the release date on our socials.

See you in Altea! βš”οΈ

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Lukas Anetsberger

August 13, 2024

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